Product Information

Options of PDG(BSN)Models

Index Handle SD-Equipped

ハModels equipped with an index handle to allow easier reading of handle turns. When the handle is rotated once, the little hand moves one gradation. This makes it possible to minutely read handle turns.

Model Speed changer unit size Index handle model L1[mm] M1[mm]
AK-90-MA-11-SD 02 SD-53B-9L 154.5 70
AK-124-MA-14N-SD 04 SD-53B-90A-9L 190 90
AK-140-MA-19N-SD 07 SD-53B-90A-9L 195 90
AK-155-MA-24N-SD 15 SD-53B-90A-9L 230 90
AK-185-MA-28N-SD 22 SD-53B-90A-12L 258 90
AK-216-MA-28N-SD 37 SD-53B-90A-12L 266 90

* For other dimensions, check the Specifications/Dimensions page for PDS.

Units with Remote Controllers

These are flexible-shaft remote controllers that can be used with belttype stepless speed changer units to allow remote operation. They are available as RFA type controllers, which have a flexible shaft in the motor shaft axial direction, or as RFB type controllers, where the flexible shaft is perpendicular to the motor shaft.


Speed changers Unit size No. of handle turns Standard flexible shaft length [mm] Model for motor-side speed changer Remote controller RF model
02(0.2kW) 5 1000・1600・2500 AK-90-MA-11-RFA RFA-90-A
04(0.4kW) 5.5 1000・1600・2500 AK-124-MA-14N-RFA RFA-124-A
07(0.75kW) 7.5 1000・1600・2500 AK-140-MA-19N-RFA RFA-140-A
15(1.5kW) 8.5 1000・1600・2500 AK-155-MA-24N-RFA RFA-155-A
22(2.2kW) 10.5 1000・1600・2500 AK-185-MA-28N-RFA RFA-185-A
37(3.7kW) 8.5 1000・1600・2500 AK-216-MA-28N-RFA RFA-216-A


Speed changers Unit size No. of handle turns Standard flexible shaft length [mm] Model for motor-side speed changer Remote controller RF model
02(0.2kW) 10 1000・1600・2500 AK-90-MA-11-RFB RFB-90-A
04(0.4kW) 11 1000・1600・2500 AK-124-MA-14N-RFB RFB-124-A
07(0.75kW) 15 1000・1600・2500 AK-140-MA-19N-RFB RFB-140-A
15(1.5kW) 17 1000・1600・2500 AK-155-MA-24N-RFB RFB-155-A
22(2.2kW) 21 1000・1600・2500 AK-185-MA-28N-RFB RFB-185-A
37(3.7kW) 17 1000・1600・2500 AK-216-MA-28N-RFB RFB-216-A

RFB-types allow you to choose the flexible shaft direction.

Items Checked for Design Purposes

Units with a remote controller have the following configuration with regard to standard units.

  • ・Motor-side speed changer for remote controller AK (RF)
  • ・Remote Controllers RF
  • ・Flexible shaft
  • ・Index handle (Option)

Ensure that the curve of flexible shafts is within a radius of R300 mm. If flexible shafts cannot be routed easily, place guides, etc. on the flexible shafts.
Standard flexible shaft lengths are 1000, 1600, 2500 mm. Consult Miki Pulley regarding lengths that are also available other than standard length.

Motor Side Speed Changer AK (RF) for Remote Controller RF

These are dedicated motor side speed changers that allow the speed to be changed with an RF remote controller.

Model Speed changer Unit size Common dimensions [mm] RFA dimensions[mm] RFB dimensions[mm] No. of handle turns
AK-90-MA-11-RF[ ] 02 90 10 55 67 10 17 10 154 134 20 - 6 171 149 22 78 4 20 62 70 5 10
AK-124-MA-14N-RF[ ] 04 124 10 48 107 11 53 10 160 124 24 12 4 162 140 22 78 4 20 62 70 5.5 11
AK-140-MA-19N-RF[ ] 07 140 10 48 112 15 53 10 169 133 24 12 4 171 149 22 78 4 20 62 70 7.5 15
AK-155-MA-24N-RF[ ] 15 155 10 48 142 17 53 10 201 165 24 12 4 203 181 22 78 4 20 62 70 8.5 17
AK-185-MA-28N-RF[ ] 22 185 10 53 165 21 62 10 228 192 24 12 4 230 208 22 78 4 20 62 70 10.5 21
AK-216-MA-28N-RF[ ] 37 216 10 53 175 17.5 74 10 236 200 24 12 4 238 216 22 78 4 20 62 70 8.5 17

Remote Controller RF

Portion for flexible shaft-type remote controller.

Model Speed changer Unit size Dimensions [mm] No. of handle turns
RFA-90-A / RFB-90-A 02 100 75 81 25 10 82 20 38 70 10 14 70 70 25 11 7 5 10
RFA-124-A/RFB-124-A 04 118 94 120 25 10 100 20 38 70 10 14 86 90 25 12 7 5.5 11
RFA-140-A/RFB-140-A 07 118 94 120 25 10 100 20 38 70 10 14 86 90 25 12 7 7.5 15
RFA-155-A/RFB-155-A 15 118 94 120 25 10 100 20 38 70 10 14 86 90 25 12 7 8.5 17
RFA-185-A/RFB-185-A 22 118 104 131 25 10 100 20 38 70 13 18 86 90 25 12 7 10.5 21
RFA-216-A/RFB-216-A 37 118 104 131 25 10 100 20 38 70 13 18 86 90 25 12 7 8.5 17

* Models listed in the “Model” column above are handle-only models (without a flexible shaft). To order models with an index handle, add “-A” to “-SD” to the end of the order.

Index Handle SD for Remote Operation Device RF

Model Applied index handle
RFA-90-SD/RFB-90-SD SD-53B-9L SD-53B-12L
RFA-124-SD/RFB-124-SD SD-53B-90A-9L SD-53B-90A-12L
RFA-140-SD/RFB-140-SD SD-53B-90A-9L SD-53B-90A-16L
RFA-155-SD/RFB-155-SD SD-53B-90A-9L SD-53B-90A-25L
RFA-185-SD/RFB-185-SD SD-53B-90A-12L SD-53B-90A-25L
RFA-216-SD/RFB-216-SD SD-53B-90A-12L SD-53B-90A-25L

Handle Mounting Square Hole for Adjustment during Stop TH

Fine adjustments and positioning can be performed easily by using the handle inserted to this hole during machine stop.
Mount the adjustment handle for adjustment during stop TH to the square hole bushing of the PE model speed change pulley to perform fine adjustments and positioning.
Please order an adjustment handle for adjustment during stop (TH-125- □ ) separately.

Dimensions When the Handle Is Attached to the PDG-BS Unit

Unit [mm]
Handle model Speed change pulley A B C D □F L X Z
TH-125-12 PE-106 106 90 176 14 12 91 15 24
TH-125-12 PE-124 124 125 169 21 12 122 15 28
TH-125-15 PE-155 155 145 176 14 15 151 15 32
TH-125-15 PE-185 185 165 172 18 15 172 20 40
TH-125-15 PE-216 216 200 175 15 15 205 20 50
TH-125-15 PE-216 216 200 165 25 15 205 20 50

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